Proto and the Abuja Municipal Area Council will be releasing a COVID-19 education and symptom checker chatbot for the 2+ million residents of Nigeria's Federal Capital Territory (FCT). "Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) remains the epicenter of COVID-19 in the Federal Capital Territory," said Hon. Abdullahi Adamu Candido, Executive Chairman of the Abuja Municipal Area Council. "We are concerned about community spread and providing the right information about the pandemic in our local languages — there is no better time than now to deploy the educational chatbot from Proto." The chatbot will be accessible via Whatsapp, webchat, and SMS, which is crucial for segments of the population with feature phones. The languages of Yoruba, Hausa, and English will be supported, with the involvement of Proto's Nigerian natural language processing (NLP) team from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences. "Proto is committed to supporting Global South healthcare services through this challenging time. In Nigeria, language and feature-phone compatibility are essential for maximum reach," said Curtis Matlock, Proto CEO. The chatbot service is schedule for rapid deployment in May 2020 in the capital, followed by expansion to Nigeria's most affected states. About Proto Proto serves emerging markets with AI Customer Experience (AICX) solutions for multilingual contact centers. Its technology is powered by a proprietary natural language processing (NLP) engine for non-English and mixed languages. Proto’s deep-learning techniques and domain expertise increase automation rates and maximize customer lifetime value.